
Showing posts from May, 2022

Further material research

 In this post I want to focus on different types of woods for building a house. There are two main types of wood for building a house, they are: Softwoods and Hardwoods. Softwoods: Most popular softwoods are:  Cedar: is a dens and lightweight wood which is resistant to decay.  Cypress: The most common wood used in the construction of historic structures in New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana.   Redwood: Redwood is the most common for decking and structural beams. Hardwoods:   Birch: is used in structural elements, walls, cladding.   Cherry: Its heart is very resistant to rot and decay.  Hickory: It is considered an extremely durable wood, thought to be able to withstand nearly anything.  Oak: Is regarded as the most durable, hard and fungal-resistant material. There are many advantages of timber buildings: Easy and quick to build when compared to traditional brick or concrete structure is easy and quick. Cost constructing a timber home or structure is less expensive than any other

Action Plan

 What I will make in the rest of this three weeks...  I need to make a lot of research about materials which will be used for this house, and I need to think about materials and places where it will be placed, as it will be in a rural area. I need to do an action plan to make all six outcomes on time. I will do mainly hand drawings, I will digitalize them and create Architectural Boards on Photoshop. Three weeks left and I have already four drawings. I need to do another two, one with pencil and one I will make in colour. I need to update my blogger and finish all my posts, add more information about my research about the materials and location for my project. I will use Google Earth pictures as my background for site plan. I will turn them into black and white pictures just like I did in the first project.

Materials Research

 In this post I will focus on my research for the materials for construction. I have to take into account the type of material to build the house and the place where it is to be found. It is very important because it will be quite a deserted place. As my location is in mountains and forests areas, I will look for local, and natural materials for minimizing the cost. In this part of the country, the materials most often used to build a house are stone and wood. I did the research about most common materials that are used to build houses. I thinking about the wood as the main material for this project. Wood offers a wonderful natural advantage, and wood construction has been the primary source of building for a lot of houses in the rural areas. Timber has been used in structures for thousands of years. Due to its versatility, this building material is still widely used due to its excellent load bearing and thermal insulation properties. The advantages of these materials are variability a

Presentations and feedbacks

 Today we had our presentations. I was in group of 4 together with Tala, Neda and Antonio. Tala presents the purple haze boutique hotel located in Lebanon. Her idea was a murex shell. She had a clear plan and she prepared a PowerPoint presentation with pictures and interior drawings. Antonio presented his expressionism concept art, where the main topics for his project are negative emotions and how they will fit in to his characters. Neda choose the purple haze theme. She wants to present her project with mod style of the 60s fashion and how it might be applay into modern fashion.

Presentation Feedback and Improving Work

 Today we had our presentation, after which there was time for questions and feedback from my peers. The presentation lasted about ten minutes. I told about the topic I chose and presented my research as well as sketches and other information about my project. During the presentation I show my blog as well as well my sketches. I had my laptop and my sketchbook. I presented my concept plan and I told about the stages of development of my project. I present my first sketches and told about the place where my building will be located. From feedback I know that I need to think about colour palette and to present more research to help understand my assumptions.

What do I know about Architecture

 This post is about what I know about architecture, which is my progressive route. There are four questions on Blackboard document that I need to answers.   What should I be doing in my subject area?  I will develop my drawing skills, architectural sketches. I will probably learn about the history of the architecture, styles and techniques.  Practicing architectural hand drawing, learning about materials which might be used.   What skills and knowledge do I need for my subject area? I will need good drawing skills, and digital skills with architectural programs. I need to gain knowledge about the history of architecture as well as construction basics knowledge and the types of materials used to create buildings.   What jobs can I get by studying in this subject?  I could get many different jobs with architecture degree, like Architect, Landscape architect, Interior designer, Architectural technologist, Urban planer and many more.   If I scored myself out of ten, with ten

Drawings and Sketches

I decided to create a 3D model of the house which I will design. This will help me to find the shape that I want and also help me with sketches. I made a cardboard model trying to define the final shape. I wanted to keep the basic shape of a gable roof, but I wanted to change the angles and proportions. After a few corrections I built this model which I used for further sketches. In the first sketches you can see the sharp edges of the building, which I changed in the next sketches. I drew more rounded edges to better fit the building to the surrounding space. I also add the background to my sketches for a better presentation of the whole, the house and the environment in which it is located.

Life Drawing-Ink pen

On our second session with life drawing we focused on ink pen. I made 7 sketches. First three was again a quick warm-up drawings, then we create next one with more details, as we had more time for this. Last one was made with mixed technique, which is ink pen plus ink on brushes. It was a very interesting experience for me and it turned out that the one-line sketches are very expressive and yet I managed to keep the proportions of the characters.

Life Drawing-pencils

 In week five we start our life drawing sessions. At the beginning we made few warm-up drawings. This was just quick, 2-5 minutes observational sketches. We did also a couple of continuous line drawings. After this warm-up we did two drawings with more details. At this sessions we also learn about human proportions rules, and how to use them when drawing. We learn how to measure the human body, for this we use the Proportion of the Figure. This is technique where the proportion of the human figure is measured in "heads". While drawing we could also use the techniques we learned in the first term, for example hatching, scribbling or continuous line drawing.

Three themes- further research

Today we went outside our building to get some new inspirations. My chosen theme is Earthly Delight, so I wanted to find some architecture-nature connections. It is very important to think about nature when designing a building. Nature is everywhere around us, it differs depending on the climate. Nowadays, large cities often lack vegetation, like trees, or flowers.

Location research

 For my project I will research a perfect location for "my house". I am thinking about beautiful places in my home country, Poland. There are many wonderful areas, in the north lots of lakes and forests, and in the south with beautiful hills, rivers, mountains and valleys. One of my favorite regions called Bieszczady, it is a sparsely populated place with many rivers, forests and hills. The place is famous for its amazing colors of flora and fauna, especially during the fall.                                                                       Bieszczady Bieszczady are a beautiful and sparsely populated part of the country. A large part of Bieszczady is occupied by the national park. National Park. Despite this, there are many beautiful places where you can build a house. Log houses are popular in this area. There are few examples of houses in this region.                                                            Houses in  Bieszczady

Further research

 I decided to look for more examples of connecting architecture with nature. Here is one example, a project of a house situated in a forest.                                                                         Forest House Another Forest House design. This project is situated in fabulous scenery in Ukrainian forests and hills. This house is build of natural materials such as stone and woods, and thanks to this it fits into the surrounding.                                                                           Forest House                                           The Villa SSK by  Takeshi Hirobe Architects

Signing sheet

This is my signing sheet for this term main project, which is creating six 2D outcomes. This will be sketches and plans for a family house set in a natural landscape. The main idea is to fit the house into the surrounding with the harmony. I will use my drawing and digital skill.                                                                Signing sheet