Planning Primary Research

I need to do my primary planning research, and also to create questions for my audience. My main project for this term is a Black Diamond- two story hotel, which will be located in the capital of Poland-Warsaw. It will be a place called  Praski Port or Praski Harbor, which is currently under the renovation. The questions I need to ask will help me with targeting my audience. I need to research about history of Praski Harbour and planning criteria for this area, as it is a historic place. I need to develop the shape of my building, including colours and interiors. I need to design a building with the nearest surrounding and think how they will interact with each other. Then I need to research about materials, and here an important factor will be the closeness to the river. 


Port Praski Projekt Planu miejscowego available on: Port Praski: Znamy projekt planu miejscowego - Accessed: 


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