Francesco Goya artist research

 Franceso Goya (1746-1828), was a Spanish artist, painter and printmaker, and he is considered the most important Spanish romantic artist. During our classes we watched a documentary about life and art of Francesco Goya called "Crazy Like a Genius", written and presented by art commentator Robert Hughes. The author presented many important matters in the artist's life, everything that influenced him. 

There is huge diversity in his art, and author describe him as a theatrical artist. Goya painted the world as he sees it, without beautifying it. His works reflect the brutal reality of the world in which he lived. People call him "war reporter", as he showing the dark side of the world. He was reporter and moralist of his times. 

One of the works featured in the document is "A Pilgame to San Isidro", and it made  great impression on me. It is a deeply negative image. This painting is one of the Black Paintigs collection, which he created between years1819 to 1823. The painting presents a group of people in the night, with scary, distorted faces. In the background we can see the hills and the rest of the traveling crowd.  In the foreground we can see more detail on human faces, with bizarre looks or strange shapes. The people seem to be crawling, what looks almost like a ghost or some creatures. This example showing us the black painting style, which is dark in colours and "dark" in meaning.

                                   Francisco Goya "A Pilgame to San Isidro" 1819-1923


  1. A good choice to identify A Pilgrimage to San Isadoro, a lot about this work is impressive - the way the compositions takes the eye across the painting, the spotlight on the figures on the left, the irony of a pilgrimage looking like the most depressing day on Earth! These are good notes and your use of language is much better as is your vocabulary.


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