Ice breaker : self- portrait

As the first task in the new term, we have to draw a self-portrait. This also has to be our ice breaker task after our brake. I decide to draw a portrait from a picture of me, where I am sitting at the desk and drawing something. Only the back part of the body is visible because I wanted to focus only on the activity that I was doing then, just learning, practicing, drawing. This picture is important to me because it is reminding me that now is time for daily development, daily exercises, as this is how I will spend my next few years.

Below I put a photo that I used and even below my finish self-portrait.


  1. Okay, would like to hear a bit more about the process, but this is a good idea for a portrait, has some tradition in Art History (artists working in their studio) - I think it is worth you including the work of other artists here (the more research you include, the better!) to demonstrate that your image fits in with the traditions of portraiture. Have a look at the link below:


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